We are a charitable organization dedicated to serving our community. Our mission is to provide assistance to those in need and promote sportsmanship to veterans and others who are disabled through a variety of programs and initiatives. With the help of our dedicated volunteers and generous donors, we are able to make a positive impact in the lives of many. Please join us for monthly meetings and a variety of fundraisers, dinners, roasts, shoots, fishing derbies, and poker runs.
139 Mitchell Road Eighty Four, Pa 15330
8:00 am-12:00 pm for youth (age 15 and under), Disabled & Veterans then open to all. Must have a PA fishing license/trout stamp if over age...
139 Mitchell Road Eighty Four, Pa 15330
11:00 AM 20 Ten Mile Lane, Scenery Hill, Pa 15360
Please join us for club news, business & updates from the Board of Directors.
11:00 AM 20 Ten Mile Lane, Scenery Hill, Pa 15360