Important Info For Members
Please remember to sign in at the barn before you hunt and sign out when you leave. One doe/one buck per member per season (any firearm). Minors must be with a licensed adult member. It is required that you display your 2024 WpaWW stickers on your vehicle and wear a WpaWW hat while on the property for identification (available at the barn). You must have put in your work details to be able to hunt. These are now documented and tracked.
This article appeared in the Washington Observer-Reporter. We are asking members to remain vigilant and help us to obtain leads on potentially viable property for our organization's use to maintain our mission goals. Please reach out to President, Scott Gregory at (412) 596-8457 if you have any questions or have information regarding a property parcel.
Many thanks to Todd Zaken and his sons Colin and Camden for their dedication and hard work in producing the finest quality products for our organization! Shirt sales will begin soon so stay tuned for more information on how to order yours!
Many great thanks to Scott Gregory, Keith Byers, Dan Getting and the many others who work so hard to make our property so beautiful.
The Train Gang donated $500 to Western Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors; their Secretary, Debi Hatfield accepted the check from Steve Mitch, Train Gang Treasurer. The money came from donations made by generous visitors to the free model train display that ran on Saturday, March 2, 2024 at the Washington Crown Center Mall, during the big outdoor show in the mall.
All of the Board members & Officers
Dave I.
John C.
Camden C.
Chris Z.
Don P.
Todd Z.
Jess and Mike
The Zaken Family
Chris G.
Membership is currently only open to active duty military, combat vets, disabled vets and retired vets.
Don't forget to wear a hat or shirt with WPAWW logo when on the property. Please remember to remove your quad from the shelter next to the barn so that picnic tables can be placed for our summer meetings. Last person out of the barn is responsible for making sure that it is clean. Please remember to complete a waiver form. See Debbie at next month's meeting if you need to complete.
Various work details will be occurring throughout the summer. The signup sheet is in the barn. If you do not participate in the work details, you cannot hunt for any species of animals on the property.